investments / Building Modern Portfolios

Building Modern Portfolios

Markets evolve and so should your investment portfolio. We build portfolios that are positioned for success in the modern world.

New opportunities and risks are emerging faster than ever before. Yet, many investors don’t adapt, and instead stay anchored to an old-world perspective. The following components give us our edge:

focused on innovation

Innovation across society continues to transform the investment landscape. The global economy is at the intersection of one of the largest technological transformations in history. Like the early days of the internet, the emergence of technologies such as 5G, AI, Big Data, Blockchain, and Robotics will change the world.

Smart portfolio construction

We take a thoughtful approach to building portfolios that maximize the potential for positive outcomes, while minimizing taxes and fees. Sophisticated portfolio construction optimizes around complex estate planning entities, multiple layers of taxability, and client specific preferences all while achieving proper diversification.


The world of alternative investments has vastly expanded in recent years. Given the bespoke nature of these investments, allocating alternatives starts and ends with our clients’ goals and preferences. Our investment platform is open and flexible, but we generally recommend direct investments, venture capital, private equity, hedge funds, and direct real estate.

sustainable investing

We emphasize sustainability as a core component of our underlying due diligence and research process. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data has become an important and useful tool that helps investors gain deeper insight into the investments they pursue. Managers and companies that consider ESG data as part of their process are often higher quality relative to their peers. Click here to view our Sustainability Policy.

Continuous risk Management

When it comes to investing there are rarely any guarantees. This means we place high emphasis on managing risk, beginning with our initial strategy recommendation. We place a premium on reducing the risk of permanent loss through our stringent investment selection criteria, manager due diligence method, and continuous monitoring process. We also analyze risk quantitatively, leveraging technology to monitor risk factors, run back tests, and perform scenario analysis.
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